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Fresh Start: A Complete Guide on How to Get Smoke Smell out of House.

A Complete Guide on How to Get Smoke Smell out of House.

Fresh Start: A Complete Guide on How to Get Smoke Smell out of House.


The lingering scent of smoke in your home can be more than just a nuisance – it can affect your health, comfort, and overall well-being. Whether it's from cigarettes, cooking mishaps, or a recent fire incident, getting rid of the stubborn smoke smell can seem like a daunting task. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective and practical methods to banish that pesky smoke odor and restore your living space to a fresh and clean state.

Understanding the Science of Smoke Odor:

Before diving into the removal methods, it's essential to understand why smoke odors persist and permeate various surfaces. Smoke particles are incredibly small and can easily infiltrate porous materials, such as walls, furniture, carpets, and clothing. Additionally, the compounds present in smoke can chemically bond with these surfaces, making it challenging to eliminate the smell with standard cleaning methods.

To successfully eliminate smoke odor, we need to adopt a multi-faceted approach that addresses both airborne particles and the residues left on surfaces.

Step 1: Ventilation and Air Circulation

The first and immediate step in eliminating smoke odor is to improve ventilation within your home. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate and push out the stale, smoky air. Consider using fans strategically placed to facilitate air exchange and hasten the removal of lingering odors.

Investing in an air purifier with a HEPA filter can also be highly effective in capturing and neutralizing airborne smoke particles. Place the purifier in key areas where the smell is most concentrated for optimal results.

DIY Approach: Create your own natural air freshener by combining water, baking soda, and a few drops of essential oil such as lemon or lavender. Spray this mixture around the house to infuse a pleasant aroma while neutralizing odors.

Step 2: Deep Cleaning Surfaces

To tackle smoke residue on surfaces, a deep cleaning regimen is necessary. Begin with the following areas:

a. Walls and Ceilings:

  • Wash walls and ceilings with a mixture of warm water and a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner.
  • For stubborn stains, use a solution of white vinegar and water or a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub affected areas.
  • Repaint walls with a high-quality, odor-blocking primer before applying a fresh coat of paint.
DIY Approach: Create a DIY wall cleaner by mixing equal parts vinegar and water. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent and use this solution to wipe down walls.

b. Furniture and Upholstery:

  • Vacuum furniture thoroughly to remove loose particles.
  • Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of white vinegar and water or a specialized upholstery cleaner.
  • Before vacuuming, sprinkle baking soda over fabric surfaces and allow it to sit for a few hours.

DIY Approach: Make a homemade fabric freshener by mixing water, vodka, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Spray this on upholstery and fabrics to eliminate odors.

c. Carpets and Rugs:

  • Steam clean carpets and rugs to remove embedded smoke particles.
  • Before vacuuming, sprinkle this mixture over the carpeting.

DIY Approach: Create a DIY carpet deodorizer by mixing baking soda with a few drops of essential oil. Sprinkle this mixture on carpets before vacuuming.

d. Window Treatments:

  • Launder curtains and blinds according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Use a moist sponge or cloth to clean the blinds.

DIY Approach: Mix equal parts water and white vinegar to create a natural window cleaner. Use this solution to wipe down blinds and windows.

Step 3: Odor Absorption Techniques

Now that you've addressed the surfaces, focus on eliminating residual odors with the following techniques:

a. Baking Soda:

  • Place bowls of baking soda in different rooms to absorb odors.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on carpets, furniture, and other fabric surfaces, letting it sit before vacuuming.

DIY Approach: Make your own DIY odor-absorbing pouches by filling small fabric sachets with baking soda and a few drops of essential oil. Place these pouches in closets, drawers, and other enclosed spaces.

b. Activated Charcoal:

  • Utilize activated charcoal in open containers to absorb and neutralize odors.
  • Consider placing charcoal-filled pouches in closets, drawers, and other enclosed spaces.

DIY Approach: Create your own activated charcoal sachets by placing activated charcoal in breathable fabric pouches. Distribute these sachets strategically around the house.

c. Odor Absorbing Gels and Beads:

  • Invest in commercial odor-absorbing gels or beads designed to neutralize smoke odors.
  • Follow product instructions for optimal placement and duration.

DIY Approach: Make a natural gel air freshener by combining water, unflavored gelatin, and essential oils. Pour the mixture into small containers and place them in various areas of your home.

Step 4: Dehumidifier for Enhanced Odor Removal

Introducing a dehumidifier to your smoke odor removal arsenal can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your efforts. Smoke particles tend to linger in humid environments, making it challenging to eliminate the smell completely. A dehumidifier helps reduce excess moisture in the air, creating an inhospitable environment for odor-causing particles.

DIY Approach: If you don't have a dehumidifier, you can reduce humidity naturally by using moisture-absorbing products like silica gel packets or containers filled with rice in damp areas.

Step 5: Mop Finished Floors

Pay special attention to your finished floors during the smoke odor removal process. Smoke particles can settle on the floor surface and in between floorboards, contributing to the lingering smell. A thorough mopping using an appropriate floor cleaner can help in eliminating these particles.

DIY Approach: Create a DIY floor cleaner by mixing warm water with a small amount of mild dish soap and a splash of white vinegar. Mop the floors, ensuring you reach corners and edges. For hardwood floors, use a cleaner suitable for the specific finish.

Step 6: Professional Assistance

If the smoke smell persists despite your best efforts, consider seeking professional assistance. Professional cleaning services equipped with specialized tools and cleaning agents can thoroughly cleanse your home and eliminate stubborn odors. Additionally, professionals can conduct an assessment to identify any hidden sources of smoke contamination.


Banishing smoke odor from your home requires a systematic and comprehensive approach. By addressing both airborne particles and surface residues, you can effectively restore your living space to a fresh and clean state. Implementing proper ventilation, deep cleaning, and odor absorption techniques will go a long way in ensuring that your home is free from the lingering effects of smoke. Remember, patience and persistence are key in the battle against stubborn odors – with the right strategies, you can breathe easy in a revitalized and odor-free environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why does smoke smell linger in a house even after ventilation?
A1. Smoke particles are tiny and can penetrate surfaces, bonding chemically. Ventilation alone may not eliminate the odor, requiring deep cleaning and absorption techniques.
Q2: Can I use air fresheners to get rid of smoke smell?
A2. Air fresheners mask but don't eliminate smoke odor. Ventilation, deep cleaning, and odor absorption are more effective strategies.
Q3: How can I safely use an ozone generator to eliminate smoke odor?
A3. Follow safety guidelines, ensure an empty space, and ventilate thoroughly after ozone treatment. Caution is crucial to prevent harm from high ozone concentrations.
Q4: Is professional assistance necessary to remove smoke odor?
A4. Professional cleaning services may be needed for stubborn cases, conducting a thorough assessment and addressing hidden smoke sources.
Q5: Can I use essential oils to mask smoke odor?
A5. Essential oils provide aroma but may not eliminate smoke odor. Focus on cleaning and use oils as a supplementary measure.
Q6: How long does it take to completely eliminate smoke odor from a house?
A6. The time varies based on smoke severity. Patience is key, and multiple methods may be needed over days or weeks.
Q7: Can I speed up the process of removing smoke smell?
A7. Enhance ventilation, use air purifiers, and employ multiple methods simultaneously, following guidelines for safety and effectiveness.
Q8: Are there any natural methods for eliminating smoke odor?
A8. Baking soda, activated charcoal, vinegar, and essential oils can naturally absorb and neutralize smoke odors.
Q9: Can smoke odor be removed from fabric and upholstery?
A9. Vacuum, deep clean, and use baking soda or fabric fresheners to eliminate smoke odor from fabric and upholstery.
Q10: How can I prevent smoke odor from returning?
A10. Preventive measures like avoiding indoor smoking, ensuring ventilation, and promptly addressing cooking-related smoke can prevent the recurrence of smoke odor.

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